Monday, November 28, 2011

 Now ...
... remove all remnants of the Cantina that the house held ...

ALSO, all flooring on the first floor, BE GONE!
THREE different ceramic floor tiles, two in this spot, plus the faux-wood flooring that, for some reason, had a "dance floor" in the center of the room with a different flooring ... in a rectangle. Ole!

The kitchen was stripped ... no stove or fridge in the house ...
so the cabinets out, sink, countertops and all plumbing, all go.
how rustic...

the "L shaped"  1/2 bath on the first floor, also gutted ...
Lovely Green, yes?

in the attic the duct-work supports were gone, so wooden braces went up to re-secure them.

had an HVAC guy in to look at the
heat pump unit and see if it's in working order ...  yes, it blows, in a good way.